General Drop Rate for Items is configured in IGCData/Maps/MapManager.xml - read config description for details.
General Drop is based on items from IGCData/Items/ItemList.xml with property Drop=1
Money Drop Rate on the server is also defined by general ItemDropRate. If its less than 100%, remaining chance is for Zen. Additionally each Monster has own chance for Zen, this is configured in IGCData/Monsters/IGC_MonsterList.xml, MoneyDropRate property. Lower MoneyDropRate = higher chance for zen. MoneyDropRate=10 and lower gives 100% for zen. MoneyDropRate=20 gives 50% for zen, MoneyDropRate=30 gives 33% for zen and so on. Amount of Money dropped is defined by MoneyAmountDropRate of GameServer/Data/GameServerInfo.ini | Custom amount for each map can be configured in IGCData/Maps/ZenDrop.xml
Specification of General Drop for Jewels, Event Boxes and Others is configured in IGCData/Items/Drops/ItemDropManager.xml
Custom and detailed drop rules can be configured in our Drop Manager System: CLICK

General Drop Rate for Items is configured in IGCData/Drop/GeneralDrop.ini - read config description for details.
General Drop is based on items from IGCData/Items/IGC_ItemList.xml with property Drop=1
Money Drop Rate on the server is also defined by general ItemDropRate. If its less than 100%, remaining chance is for Zen. Additionally each Monster has own chance for Zen, this is configured in IGCData/Monsters/IGC_MonsterList.xml, MoneyDropRate property. Lower MoneyDropRate = higher chance for zen. MoneyDropRate=10 and lower gives 100% for zen. MoneyDropRate=20 gives 50% for zen, MoneyDropRate=30 gives 33% for zen and so on. Amount of Money dropped is defined by ZenDropMultipler of GeneralDrop.ini | Custom amount for each map can be configured in IGCData/Drop/IGC_ZenDrop.xml
Specification of General Item Drop from Monster is configured in IGCData/Drop/IGC_MonsterItemDropRate.xml

Custom and detailed drop rules can be configured in our Drop Manager System: CLICK